Nowadays, distances are long and time is limited. Hectic schedules may prevent you from visiting a dietician in person for advice. Hence, we have a facility for an “E-diet” program where an online consultation can be done and dietary advice is given.

You can now register on our online diet program and get support and guidance for weight loss despite being in any part of the world.

What is E-diet?
E diet is our online service that offers customized, disease specific diet plans, online follow ups and exercise advice.

Why E-diets?

Staying committed and motivated is one of the major challenges faced by most people who diet. With busy lifestyles, HEALTH is not one of our priorities and we often don’t bother to make time and work for it unless someone is supervising us.

Online counselling is very helpful in this regard. We encourage members to stay on track by reminding them each week to record their weight online and giving a fully personalized feedback based on their progress while maintaining their confidentiality.

Chat via WhatsApp or email or live chat or skype video call to get assistance from our E- nutrition expert team

We offer the following E-diet plans

  • High fibre diet plan
  • Weight loss
  • Weight gain
  • Bariatric surgery diet plans
  • Cholesterol lowering diet plan
  • Low carbohydrate diet plan
  • Diet plans for hypothyroidism
  • Diet plans for diabetics
  • Healthy heart diet plan
  • Kidney health
  • Low Glycemic Index
  • Gluten free diet plan
  • Maintenance programmes and much more

Sign up for Online Consultation